Retreat Program: A Journey of Inner Transformation


Retreat Program: A Journey of Inner Transformation

Welcome to Our Retreats

Our retreats are designed to offer a holistic experience that combines the wisdom of Vedanta, the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, and the practical insights of Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a newcomer to spiritual teachings, this retreat will guide you on a profound journey of self-discovery, mindfulness, and inner peace.

Program Overview:

Day 1: Arrival & Introduction to Vedanta

  • Arrival & Registration (Morning)

    • Welcome tea and meet fellow retreat participants.
    • Brief introduction to the retreat program and setting intentions for the days ahead.
  • Session 1: The Essence of Vedanta (Afternoon)

    • Overview of Vedanta philosophy: Understanding the nature of the self and the universe.
    • Guided meditation on the concept of Atman (True Self) and Brahman (Universal Consciousness).
  • Evening Satsang

    • Group discussion on the relevance of Vedanta in daily life.
    • Evening prayers or mantras to harmonize energies.

Day 2: The Bhagavad Gita & Life Lessons

  • Session 2: Arjuna’s Dilemma and Krishna’s Teachings (Morning)

    • Deep dive into Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita, focusing on the teachings of Jnana Yoga (Path of Knowledge).
    • Meditation on detachment and karma through the teachings of Lord Krishna.
  • Session 3: Karma Yoga in Daily Life (Afternoon)

    • Practical application of selfless action and non-attachment as outlined in the Bhagavad Gita.
    • Group exercise: Creating a personal action plan for Karma Yoga in everyday situations.
  • Evening Meditation and Reflection

    • Guided meditation on cultivating inner peace and purposeful living.
    • Group reflection and sharing of experiences.

Day 3: Exploring Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

  • Session 4: The Eight Limbs of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) (Morning)

    • Understanding the practical aspects of YamaNiyamaAsanaPranayamaPratyaharaDharanaDhyana, and Samadhi.
    • Group discussions on integrating these practices into daily life.
  • Session 5: Manonasa (Dissolution of the Mind) (Afternoon)

    • Guided sessions on mind controlbreathwork, and meditation to dissolve mental impurities.
    • Deepening our practice of the Yoga Sutras through simple, yet powerful techniques.
  • Evening Fire Ceremony (Havan)

    • Ritual fire ceremony to symbolize the purification of body, mind, and spirit.
    • Offering intentions and gratitude.

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